Providence Chapel, Charlwood |
It’s been awhile but I managed an
early morning outing on a Saturday and although I toyed with the idea of
continuing along the Serpent Trail I decided against it on account of the
exceptionally hot weather we have been experiencing. I decided that a better bet would be the
short and tricky section of Sussex Border Path around Gatwick Airport
as this has held me up from onward progress for some considerable time. I have to confess to not being
overly-motivated to doing this section, but thought it would be a good idea to
finish it while I have only a short timeframe.
Lane Out of Charlwood |
Due to the heat (it was later to
reach 30 degrees Celsius), I decided also to complete the walk first and get
public transport second especially as at least two bus journeys were going to
be needed. I parked in Charlwood, where
I had finished up more than a year ago.
I picked up the Sussex Border Path as it led northwards out of the
village, passing initially an attractive little school and then a surprisingly
old looking church hall before heading out into the countryside along a green
Curiosity |
In the relative cool of the
morning there were plenty of insects about and a few cows in the field next to
the path lazily swishing their tails and grazing happily. Yet any thoughts that this would be a nice
quiet walk were soon dispelled by the roar of jets taking off and landing at
nearby Gatwick Airport every couple of minutes. Yet, the intermittent sound of the jets did
not bother me as much as I thought it would as the noise was not as continuous as
New River Mole |
I turned right at the next
junction of paths and wandered along a very dusty farm track for half a mile or
so. The underfoot conditions were very
different to the last time I did any of the Border Path, when I had to play
hopscotch between boggy parts of the path.
The wildflowers grew in profusion and so far at least I was enjoying
more countryside than I had dared consider.
Hookwood |
At the end of the track I crossed
a busy road and headed through a broad hedgerow, coming out into the managed
course of the River Mole. This has been
diverted considerably in order to fit the perimeter of Gatwick Airport
in. Yet, despite that it still looks
quite authentic as it follows a twisty path in much the same way that you would
expect to see in a completely natural setting.
All along the banks were profusions of flowers, all seemingly at their
peak now in mid July. The butterflies
were having a great time flitting between flowers trying to sup the nectar from
the best ones.
Mole Valley |
The warmth of the day was
properly getting going now after a surprisingly cool start. Away on the bank opposite I caught a flash of
ginger hair as a fox crashed through the undergrowth, quickly followed by
another. I soon became aware of a pair
of eyes upon me and some barking like noises and realised that I was witnessing
a family of foxes with the young ones having a great time playing in the bushes
while being watched by a vigilant parent looking for signs of danger. I stood and watched them for some time,
transfixed by their antics.
Perfectly Framed |
After a few minutes I moved on
and had the fright of my life as I turned the next corner when I was confronted
by a startled deer that bolted into the bushes as soon as it caught sight of
me. I think I was almost as startled as
the deer! The foxes and the deer were
all within a stone’s throw of the built up area to the north of the airport
itself and yet this was more animal action than I had seen for a long time on
the path.
Brighton Main Line |
I crossed the road ahead and to
my surprise the path followed a green tree corridor down the side of the dual
carriageway of the A23. Although I was
aware of its presence the trees did a remarkable job of screening the road and
made this section of path far more bearable than I dreamed would be
possible. Eventually I had to bow to the
inevitable though and enter the world of Gatwick Airport. The path was fairly badly signposted through
the complex and it took a good deal of map reading to find the right route
across the approach roads. The noise of
the planes was by now joined by the noise of the people mover that takes
passengers between North and South Terminals and the traffic heading to the car
Landing in the Fields |
Eventually I managed to find my
way through the complex and crossed the main London
to Brighton railway line into a quiet stretch
of countryside once again. Far from
being the hideous stretch of walking that I had expected, the section through
the airport area was surprisingly short lived and far from being the horror
that other commentators have suggested I found it fairly interesting although I
was thankful I didn’t have to walk much further.
Choked Path |
I rounded another field with
grazing horses and came out opposite a pub that now serves as an Indian
restaurant. It is surprising how many
pubs have found this fate, although it is preferable to see them still
functioning at all than be boarded up, as has happened with so many
others. The onward path took a course
down the side of the M23 spur with pleasant views to the north even if the
southern aspect was dominated by the high motorway embankment. The path is clearly not very well used for it
was very overgrown and I questioned the wisdom of wearing shorts that day.
M23 Crossing |
At the end of the path I turned
right under the motorway and headed down a rather strange road. I passed some well-to-do looking houses
living cheek-by-jowl with some that had fallen on hard times and were in some
cases completely derelict. On my left
hand side was an old nursery but the glass houses had clearly seen better days,
with most of the glass smashed and the vegetation inside now running riot. I did think it might make for a cool
photograph but got a sense of life at the other end of the property &
hesitated. I was glad that I did, for in
the far corner there were some very furtive looking men that appeared to be
dealing in scrap metal or some other such thing. My watching was clearly not welcomed and so I
hurried on, feeling rather uncomfortable about the area as I did so.
Burstow Manor |
Further down the road a lorry was
reversing in the lane. This seemed quite
a complex manoeuvre and I wasn’t quite sure what the lorry was even doing
there. It was registered in Bulgaria and at
first I thought that it had got lost on the satnav but realised that it was in
fact connected with the men I had seen back at the ‘scrapyard’. I was rather relieved when I left them all
behind as for some reason I felt a bit vulnerable as I walked past them all.
Burstow Church |
Eventually I turned off this road
and up another lane towards Burstow, crossing the main M23 as I did so. After passing some more rather strange
looking storage units and being stared at again I finally came upon the lovely
little hamlet of Burstow, which seemed like a world away. I took the opportunity to have a look inside
the wonderful old church and its stained glass windows, enjoying the coolness
of inside as I did so. Across the way
was an old school house, now turned into a nursery. It really was a beautiful and unexpected
oasis after all the industrial stuff earlier.
Burstow School House |
y onward walk was mostly through
fields of various crops although I did have an encounter with some fairly
fierce looking white geese. I showed them who was boss though and they didn’t
push it. I was by now feeling very hot
and when I approached Copthorne I checked the bus timetable and was very
pleased to see that I could get one only nine minutes later. I decided that I would save the onward walk
for another day – it was far too hot to push myself too much.
Fierce Geese |
It wasn’t the best walk if I’m
honest but far better than I had expected, with far more countryside than urban
areas. It reminded me of sections of the London LOOP, darting from sections of
countryside into urban areas almost at whim.
What did please me most about this modest length of walk though was the
fact that I had overcome an obstacle and I now could continue this walk in
loops in much the same way as I had previously done.